Thursday, July 3, 2008

Going going...greeeeen!

A friend just sent me Morgan Stanley's green book

Although I am somewhat weary of the corporate type "doing their bit" by bringing out colorful publicity materials,there is something to be said about the power of reiteration. A lot of the information may sound very US specific at first. Junk Mail for instance is a huge problem in the US but we are slowly getting there here in India. Laying down a carpet may not be a feasible choice for Indians and our walls can not be insulated BUT there are several great reminders on how to become more energy efficient (and save money!). Putting a lid on your food while cooking, not putting your computer on "sleep mode", eating fresh-not excessively packaged food, printing on both sides of the paper etc are not only simple to do, they are reminiscent of the "traditional" advise from our parents and grandparents. Check it out and if you have a kid- do your bit, carry on the good word.

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